Shipmate, Vernon Frank had a collection of photos from his time on the USS Hadley. His daughter Sharla (Frank) Nordick posted these on the USS Hugh W. Hadley Facebook page. His collection is now preserved here on the Hadley website. Some photo captions provide no ID of the shipmates. If you recognize an unknown (UK) sailor, send a note to
Frank, Helling, Tindell and FryorFryor and HileFryor, Frank, Tindell, and HileFryor, Tindell, Helling, and FrankLeo HellingHelling on watchJay Holmes and UKMKimm, Maheady, Gerould, Lt. O’donnel, CPH HeppyUnknownTop row L-R; Johnson, Kuneman, Ebel, Jacobson, Frank, Calcom, Tice. 2nd row L-R; UK,UK, Gray, Keller, Jones, UK, Lt. Robbins40mm Frank and UK40 mm gunneryUSS Hollister DD-788Bill TindellCrew of Division 1Ed FryorUSS Phoenix CL-46 (light cruiser)USS Phoenix at anchorPier and carrier unkown locationStalzer on the 40mmStalzer loading suppliesTerry Neal (not a Hadley crewmember)UK and Ralph Fuhr
Hull number is 68 (unknown ship)
Pacific War rifles, the M-1 Garand and Jap Arisaka side by side