

Personal Histories

Gordon Larson EM3/c

My name is Lance L. Larson. I’m Gordon’s son. This afternoon I found your website and wanted to update you on my Dad’s activities over the years. My dad was an EM3/c. After the war dad returned to his hometown of Tacoma, Washington and married my mother. My folks had three children, I’m the youngest at 36 years old.

Dad worked at several professions until he began a career at General Plastics Manufacturing Company Tacoma, Washington in approximately 1954. At General Plastics Dad held various positions within the company, which specialized urethane and plastic products used by The Boeing Airplane Company, NASA, and the US military. Dad had a very high work ethic and refused to retire. Finally in 1996, dad suffered several severe strokes which ultimately resulted in his retirement at age 70, with 42 years of service at General Plastics. Dad progressed through the company and held the position of production foreman while supervising a multimillion dollar operation with approximately 50 employees prior to his retirement.

Over the years he took his share, some may say more than his share, of deer, elk, bear, salmon, and trout, primarily in Washington State. Dad enjoyed the outdoors and he was hunting, fishing, or gardening whenever he had time.

Since 1996, Dad’s health has been failing. He has suffered several more strokes and currently resides in a nursing home. Dad has difficulty with his short-term memory, although his long-term seems a lot better. He has never spoke very much about the war, although he has spoke highly of the Hadley and crew, including a picture of the Hadley on his wall. (I’ve heard a couple of stories that we can discuss at a later time…my wife is sitting beside me…) I wish I exactly could surprise my dad with a trip to your upcoming reunion ( Hampton 2001), although that is impossible in his present condition. There is so much to talk about, and I want to know so much, that I can’t include everything in my first message. I’m currently searching for some of dad’s navy pictures and some others throughout the years to share with you. Please stay in touch and I would like to meet anyone who may have known or worked with my dad in the war.

Thank You,
Lance L. Larson

Webmaster’s Note: Gordon passed on 26 March 1999.