Personal Histories

Oliver C. Jacobson EM3/c

Work Experience:

1962-1985-Employed by a multi-national corporation headquartered in New York City. Experience includes commercial, personal, and indirect lending. Worked in Hawaii, Canada, Puerto Rico and New York City. Was the senior officer present on all field assignments. During my assignment in New York City, duties included supervision of field Vice Presidents. Served on the Boards of Directors of several corporations.

Other Work Experience:

Since 1985, worked only on a volunteer basis. Certified as a Master Gardener by the University of Oregon, Worked with the Extension Service of the University, providing gardening information to farmers and gardeners in the Brookings, Oregon area.

Certified as a Salt Water Power Boat Captain by the U.S. Coast Guard. Is an excellent salmon fisherman.


Laramie Community College 1995

Computer courses including WordPerfect,

and Quattro-Pro. Overview of Data Bases,

DOS, Windows, Spreadsheets and

Office procedures. A total of 145 hours.

Columbia University Graduate

School of Business 1970

ICS 1950-195-

Beadle College 1947-1949


Hobbies include hiking, swimming, fishing, tennis and traveling.


Wife – Frieda. Three children – two sons, one a banker & one a businessman and one daughter, a Medical Doctor Research Scientist who is also a Psychiatrist.

Webmaster Note: On Hadley Oliver was a Electrician Mate Third Class.